Are you where you thought you'd be in your life right now in terms of your health and overall well-being?

Do you look at other people and wonder how they seem to have it all together? Seems impossible to you right? Maybe because you've been relying on willpower to overcome the endless last minute obligations of life and your willpower has run out! Maybe the mental and physical exhaustion of being a mom, a working professional or tied to electronic devices that never stop ringing (or all of the above) has left you without any energy to care for yourself. No matter how much you "know what to do", it just doesn't seem to happen for you.

I’ve been there!

I’m Amanda Basek. Up until a few years ago, I was in the exact same place as you are now!

I had been an athlete my whole life. I always liked the way fitness made me look and feel, and I never had to worry about my weight or what I could eat. I was fit and in control of my health. I never thought my body would let me down.

But soon after meeting and marrying the man of my dreams, we set off on our journey to start a family. It was all fun and games until we watched friends and family welcome child after child, but our baby didn’t come. Before I knew it, I found myself undergoing five rounds of aggressive fertility treatment, wreaking havoc with my health and costing more than a brand new car. I gained 25 pounds because of all the hormones and being told to be careful not to move too much just in case I actually was pregnant. I felt betrayed by my body and completely out of control.

This went on for six long years. Many miracles came and went, leaving us with lots of tears and disappointment. Ultimately we were, in the end, very lucky. We brought a bouncing baby boy into this world.

I thought once I had the baby everything would just naturally fall back into place.

But I was wrong.

Not only did I still have all the weight to lose, but now my whole routine was way out of whack as a new mom. Diaper changes, grocery shopping, going back to work, NURSING… it was all crucial. I knew how lucky I was. I was so grateful to finally be a mom. But I also knew I needed to figure out a way to prioritize my own health or there was no way I was going to be able to take care of my son's.

I tried about a million different diets. I lost and gained weight like I was on a roller coaster. I had just about given up when I finally found out about life coaching. It seemed so corny to me at first but it's different than anything I ever learned online or in the gym or on an app. I learned how willpower just doesn't work when fighting against our subconscious thoughts. The brain wins every time!

My coach helped me work through individual problems as they arose, coaching me through thoughts and feelings that were holding me back from not just achieving weight loss goals, but life goals in general.

But the best part...It Was Fun!

My coach helped me put a renewed focus on how to be and feel myself again. Actually, a better version of the old me. I was surrounded by individuals with a positive mindset, and personal growth seekers. My coach set reasonable, achievable goals that I could sustain on my own with healthy habits at the forefront. Learning how to eat right, move often, and replace negativity with positivity took some practice. But once these habits stuck, they were game-changers. Years later, I’m now in my forties and healthier and happier than ever! And the best part is, now I get to do the exact same thing for others!

So where do we start?

I have come to believe that the biggest misconception many people have about taking charge of their wellness is that they think they need to be motivated in order to take action. I think that's backwards. My experience with my own story and with countless clients is that action leads to motivation- not the other way around! So, what should your first action be? Well, do you remember how flight attendants tell you to apply your own oxygen mask first before helping others? The same rules apply to life! You can’t take care of others unless you prioritize your own health first. So your first action is to truly and whole-heartedly value your health.


And, just by virtue of the fact that you're reading this, you know this! You have already taken the first action! And the good news is, from here on out, you don't have to do it alone. That’s why this is miraculous work.

The one thing I have learned in my journey is that change is hard. There's no way around this. But doing it alone is overwhelming, and almost SCARY. Impossible even.

By joining our coaching program you will never be alone. We will be with you every step of the way. We will tailor a program to reach YOUR goals at a pace that works for the realities of YOUR life.

Don't want to deprive yourself or be sore all the time? Can do!

Can’t live without coffee? OK!

Chocoholic and NOT budging? We can work with that!

The guiding point every step of the way is how you are feeling about yourself and your life. Your perception of success is just as important as what the scale says. Our end goal is not losing X number of pounds or being able to do X number of push-ups. Our goal is to empower you to be able to seek, sustain, and maintain balance, growth, and wellness in all aspects of your life. Forever.

So are you Excited yet?

Remember. Action first. Trust that once you start to feel the seeds of change growing inside of you, motivation will come, and then, there will be no stopping you.

If you’re ready to begin to live your best life with a custom-tailored program to meet your specific needs so you can achieve your personal goals, PERMANENTLY, click below (act!) to schedule a call with us...your next step toward being the you you want to be.

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Download my FREE 5 Simple Disciplines to Jumpstart your Weight Loss and let me help get you started!

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