Do you ever feel like a Puffer Fish?

17 August 2022 By Coach Amanda Basek

Reading Time: < 5 Minutes

Do you ever feel like a puffer fish?

Especially in the heat of the summer. Sometimes you’re killing it in those skinny jeans. Other days you can’t get them past your ankles… and you wonder, is my weight fluctuating THAT much? Chances are, you might be suffering from inflammation. Worse yet, it might be your own fault. There is some light at the end of this bloated tunnel! By avoiding inflammatory foods, you may start feeling better right away. Yay!!

Chronic inflammation is called the “silent killer” because it can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity and even early death. Well, that escalated quickly from tight skinny jeans! But sadly, it’s true. The good news is, you have control over diet-based inflammation.

Step 1- Don’t eat the obvious (Fast Food)

Avoid fried foods cooked in Hydrogenated oils, margarine and shortening. These are used to get that perfectly crisp French fry, but contain trans fatty acids that cause inflammation of the endothelium. That's the thin inner lining of your heart and blood vessels which line your ENTIRE circulatory system. While butter is full of quality fats, margarine and shortening were made of trans fats. Fortunately, the FDA has recently required manufacturers to remove the greatest source of trans fats (Partially Hydrogenated Oil), but read those labels to make sure it’s not in there.

Instead, cook with quality fats like grass-fed butter, avocado oil, Ghee, beef tallow or lard from pasture-raised pork. Surprised by lard? It actually has nearly twice the monounsaturated (healthy) fat as butter. Bonus: It’s easy to cook with because it doesn’t smoke at high temperatures. Additional options are the trending air fryer or traditional baking.

Step 2- “Pop” the Soda habit

Steer CLEAR of this one. See what I did there… 😊 Regular sugar in soda is enough to cause your body to feel puffy, and a 12-ounce can has almost 10 teaspoons! As you process glucose (aka blood sugar), your body stores 3g of water for every gram of glucose—HOLY WATER WEIGHT! “But I drink DIET soda!” you say. Yeah, those artificial sweeteners are seen as a toxin and stored in fat tissue where it generates an inflammatory response. Basically, your body tries to dilute the chemical with water, resulting in you guessed it- added water weight.

Instead, try sparkling water flavored with natural fruit essence if it’s the carbonation you crave.

Step 3- “Unfriend” those good ol’ refined carbs

Better know your roll. Get it- “roll”? I’m cracking myself up here! Seriously though, did you know that white flour started as wheat flour that’s been stripped of its fiber and bran? The nutrients go with them, and leave behind carbohydrates. Your body quickly breaks down these refined carbs into sugar, and the inflammatory risks caused by sugar (above) are pretty scary.

Instead, avoid foods made with refined flour, like white bread, pastries, packaged snacks and pasta. Opt for whole grains like quinoa, buckwheat and oats. Not all grains work for everyone and can contribute to inflammation on their own, so take note of how you feel after eating them.

Step 4- Don’t Drink & Drive… or drink at ALL ( Alcohol) 🍺🍷🥃🍸🍹

Booze leads to inflammation in your body in 2 ways:

1. It causes DNA damage to your body’s cells, leading to an inflammatory response as the cellular clean-up crew arrives. 👷

2. Damage to the liver causes inflammation, abdominal swelling and bloating. 🤢

Drinking regularly? Your body remains in a heightened state of inflammation which sends you on a path towards chronic disease. 😵

Instead, toast with an occasional celebratory drink or better yet, mocktails... just watch that sugar! 🧐

“So, Amanda,” you ask, “What DO I eat???” Here are some awesome Anti-inflammatory Foods:

High-quality grass-fed meats

Leafy greens

Unprocessed Veggies

Healthy fats

Fatty Fish (like mackerel and sardines)

You could also follow a Keto diet (high-fat, low-carb), or simply eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like cold-water fish, dark leafy greens, berries and spices like ginger, rosemary and turmeric. Don’t forget about Superfoods like black beans, kale, almonds, avocados, etc. When all else fails, take supplements that contain anything above that doesn't please your palate. Because let’s be real, if it’s not at least a little enjoyable, it’s not sustainable!

Stay well my friends,

Coach Amanda

Coach Amanda B

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